Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner
Begin: 06/19/07
End: 06/26/07
Quality: Four out of Ten.
Reason: Unread. Recomendation.
Genre: Fiction.
Original Language: English.
Date of Publication: 2003
Fog Index: 7.1/88% are harder.
Flesch Index: 73.7/88% are harder.
Flesch-Kincaid Index: 5.5/86% are harder.
Complex Words: 7/88% have more.
Number: First.
Synopsis: Well, it starts off as the story of two boyhood friends in Kabul and then follows Amir's life as he travels to America and makes a life for himself before he is pulled back into his past life in Afghanistain.
Thoughts: Well, I started off really liking it. It was really sweet and poigant story of two boys growing up in Kabul but then Amir did something which so completly disgusted and enraged me, that I ended up hating him. I don't want to give it away but I found him to be quite detestable. I finished the book. It was okay. I thought that the begining was quite magical but that my hatred of Amir never really let me enjoy the rest of the book. Plus, I thought some of it was quite obvious and cliched. And to further prove this point..."A creative writing teacher at San Jose State used to say about cliche: "avoid them like the plague." Then he'd laugh at his own joke. The class laughed with him, but I always thought cliches got a bum rap. Because, often, they're dead on. But the aprness of the cliched saying is overshadowed by the nature of the saying as a cliche."