Charles Wheelan’s Naked Economics
Begin: 09/07/07
End: 09/10/07
Quality: Nine out of Ten
Reason: Random
Genre: Economics
Original Language: English.
Date of Publication: 2002
Fog Index: 13.8/43% are harder
Flesch Index: 49.4/48% are harder
Flesch-Kincaid Index: 11.1/43% are harder
Complex Words: 15%/48% have more.
Number: First.
Synopsis: This is basically just a book explaining basic economics.
Thoughts: Good! Very very good. I have been trying to get a firmer grasp on economics for a while. I have been reading the Wall Street Journal quite closely and such but things were still confusing me and I have to say that this book really did the trick. I gave me a very firm grasp of economics and really made a lot of political and public policy decisions make much better sense.
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