Eugene Ionesco
Begin: 1/6/08
End: 1/12/08
Quality: Four out of Ten.
Reason: Unread. Modern Drama.
Genre: Drama. Theater of the Absurd.
Original Language: French.
Date of Publication: 1960.
Fog Index: 8.9/81% are harder.
Flesch Index: 67.3/78% are harder.
Flesch-Kincaid Index: 6.5/84% are harder.
Complex Words: 12%/65% have more.
Number: First.
Synopsis: The play starts in this little café in a small town. Two friends are chatting about a number of topics. A few of the other towns people are also conversing. A rhino runs through the town which brings shock and awe to everyone. It eventually comes out that everyone in the town is turning into Rhinos. No. Seriously!
Thoughts: I have a tendency to like the idea of absurdist plays more than I actually like them. Does that make any sense?
I found this play to be rather tedious but now thinking back about and seeing the wider arc, I appreciate it more and find that I kinda of liked it. It’s like a monet. I only like it from a far off view. It makes sense and I get it better than when I was actually immersed in it.
So maybe the next time that I read this, I will get more out of it or it is possibly that I am only going to really like it from a far off perspective and never actually enjoy reading it. We shall just have to wait and see.
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