Maxine Hong Kingston
Begin: 1/24/08
End: 1/31/08
Quality: Seven out of Ten.
Reason: Unread.
Genre: Memoir. Non-Fiction. Asian-American Fiction.
Original Language: English.
Date of Publication: 1975
Fog Index:7.5/88% are harder.
Flesch Index: 75.7/90% are harder.
Flesch-Kincaid Index: 5.8/88% are harder.
Complex Words: 6%/91% are have more.
Number: Second.
Synopsis: Hard to describe. It’s separated into five chapters which each recount events that effect her from an Aunt who killed herself and her illegitimate child to her mother’s experiences in Medical School to reimagining herself as Fa Mulan and others.
Thoughts: Good. I was expecting it to be better, I have to say. It’s not that I didn’t like it but for a book that is the most commonly taught text in modern university education, I was expecting to be fucking blown away. Overall, I did really enjoy it.
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