Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Jeffrey Rosen's The Supreme Court: The personalities and rivalries that defined America
Began: 2/03/07
End: 02/05/07
Quality: Three Out of Ten.
Reason: NPR/Diane Rehm. Supreme Court.
Genre: Non-fiction. Law
Number: First.

I really thought I was going to love it. I have been reading about the Supreme Court obbesively for quite a while, since i graduated high school and yet I have never read a single book about them. Weird, huh?

I liked aspects of it, but overall I was not impressed with the writing. I can't exactly put my finger on what I didn't like about it but their was definitly something that was putting me off.
But I found my attention wandering very often and myself not really caring which is odd considering that I love the Supreme Court.

I did learn a lot about constiional law and history which I didn't really know before. and I think it gave me a little more respect for the conservative judicial view.

I also found that a lot of the important cases that I agree with, I don't like the arguements that created them while those that I hate, I like the arguements.

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